The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) organized a thematic workshop themed “The Impact of Climate Change on Labour Migration: Exchanging practices and exploring opportunities for sustainable development, decent work and a just labour market transition” at ILO HQ in Geneva on 29 March 2023.
Together with the CSOs and States, IMCS Pax Romana continues to contribute and advocate for accountability for labour migration influenced by climate change. Notably, decent and rewarding work is a concern of many young people around. Hence, we strive to see the integration of human mobility and environmental sustainability into policies at all levels for implementation. As such, the intersection between labour, migration and climate change is timely, considering all the diverse effects. We call for acknowledgement, collaboration and robust systems in addressing the challenges involved.
With the first panel discussion, our conversation focused on labour migration as an adaptation strategy. The panelists shared concerns about the impact of migration within their context and how the paradigm shift has been caused by the effects of climate change. The factors involved are not competing against themselves but rather complementary. And in further analysis of the situation, we discussed about the solutions to help mitigate the challenge at various within different contexts during the second panel discussion. It focused on meeting new skills demand created by climate action – with a focus on youth.
In summary, the thematic workshop amplified the key messages below as captured in the ILO Just Transition Policy briefs on Labour Migration and Human Mobility
In response to Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical and the United Nations’ call for governments to declare a climate emergency until neutrality is achieved, the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Pax Romana held its World Assembly who gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 03 – 09 July 2023 on Global Climate Emergency at the newly constructed International Youth Training Centre focused on Theme: “Global Climate Emergency: Capacity building of tertiary students to be advocates for environmental, social, cultural, political and economic justice”. This assembly brought 103 participants (76 in-person and 27 online) from 33 different countries in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and North America. Representing about 53.5% males and 46.5% females; this comprised Catholic Students Leaders, Observers, Facilitators, Interpreters as well as Chaplains & the Religious.
IMCS Pax Romana appreciates the presence of the over 150 community members and Elders as well as the Non-Formal Education Office, Ministry of Industry, Communal Life of Love and Unity of the Mountain People (CLUMP), Dr Jitprapa Srioon, MANFA Institute & Chairman of the Learning Center for All Ages, Baan Saan Fun Pan Suk, Bro. Dr. Dechachai Sripicharn, Provincial, Brothers of St. Gabriel Foundation, the Good Shepherd Sisters, Most Rev. Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana, Bishop of Chiang Mai Diocese and Secretary General, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Thailand (CBCT), the Police, Dancers, the Catholic Students Network of Thailand (CSNT) and all those who joined us during the 2023 World Assembly Opening Ceremony.
Referencing the final declaration on the climate emergency, participants at the IMCS Pax Romana World Assembly discussed rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, food and water sovereignty and health issues, how indigenous peoples are essential stewards of nature and biodiversity, and the smallest communities are the most affected by climate change. The effects of climate change are disproportionately felt by vulnerable communities, such as those in destitution and indigenous peoples. This included on-site visits and experience sharing in and around Chiang Mai such as a knowledge visit to a local canal, soil preservation and testing mobile applications and black soldier fly farming.
In a further development, IMCS Pax Romana is committed to supporting environmental knowledge through research and development, providing its members with opportunities to represent the marginalized, advocating for environmental preservation, and collaborating with other organizations and stakeholders. Advocacy and education are essential for fostering a collective effort to combat climate change and promote change. It is essential to collaborate with vulnerable communities and relevant stakeholders to address their specific needs and preserve indigenous knowledge and practices that contribute to sustainable resource management.
IMCS Pax Romana urges other Catholic Youth Organizations and communities around the world to respond to the Global Climate Emergency, as well as local authorities, governments, and international organizations to incorporate environmental protection into all of their efforts. Students of the Catholic faith must utilize their resources to persuade governing bodies to prioritize the Global Climate Emergency on their national and local agendas.
The call to action emphasizes collaboration with vulnerable communities and relevant stakeholders and urges Catholic youth organizations and communities worldwide to take action in response to the Global Climate Emergency.
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The 24th of October, 1945 signifies the entry into force of the UN Charter. This year we celebrate it as the 75th UN day, marking 75 years of working towards global peace, justice, inclusivity, and sustainable development. We, as IMCS Pax Romana, acknowledge that there is no other global organization with the legitimacy, convening power and normative impact as the United Nations, so it’s only natural that we are coherent with the works of the United Nations.
This day is imperative to us because our international student movement has been one of the first youth-led NGOs to obtain consultative status within the UN ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council) back in 1949. Ever since, we’ve not only been actively participating, but also empowering our youth to bring forth their innovations, ideas, suggestions, and beliefs to the UN in order to ensure the future of our world is bright.
UN Day this year comes with the theme: “Closing the Inequalities Gap to Achieve Social Justice”. Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We recognize the giant roles United Nations are playing to follow through with the theme and ensure a peaceful world for people everywhere. We believe in these core values as well, so we’ve also been following through by acting parallel to the United Nations with our various activities that promote peace and prosperity.
As much as we value this year, we are aware that the 75th anniversary comes in a time of great disruption for the world due to the unprecedented global health crisis; the COVID-19 pandemic. With severe economic, social and political impacts, we’ve been working to create positive changes in the communities we can reach. We urge for countries to unite and cooperate to to minimize the struggle caused by the pandemic and create a positive change and transformation.
We commemorate the 75th year of the United Nations with our optimism and expectations that the United Nations will lead to connect with the grassroots realities, the marginalized, the vulnerable and those living in abject poverty to alleviate their situations. We urge United Nations member states to show sincerity, honesty, cooperativeness and faithful in their commitments to implement the resolutions and treaties they sign each time they gather in UN Headquarters in New York.
We hope that by the year 2045 as United Nations celebrates 100 years anniversary, we must have built a United Nations where every member state is a legitimate member of the security council, a United Nations that is more proactive than reactive in providing peace among nations at war, a United Nations that treats an African and Asian Citizens in the same manner like an American and European Citizens and verse versa.
Let’s work for a greater and inclusive United Nations with equal opportunities for all.
Dear friends, I bring you the greetings of the International Coordination Team of the International Movement of Catholic Students Pax Romana!
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, a member of FUCI or the Federation of Catholic University Students of Italy, who was a strong supporter of Pax Romana wrote this quote in a letter to another delegate who participated in the Pax Romana foundational meetings in 1921. And I quote “If all people were to have it as their inner spirit, Pax Romana will bring peace and justice”. After 100 years, we are coming together as one global family, carrying the same mantle of Peace and Justice in our hearts.
The 100th milestone year of the movement gave us an opportunity to reminisce and celebrate the path we have walked as advocates of Peace and Justice.
Recently I heard this quote from a documentary. I quote “The past will never come back. And unless you are willing to invest in the future there’s no use even trying to exist anymore”. As a 100 years old movement with a young spirit, I believe this message is very much relevant to our movement. All the momentums created and contributions made in the past are stars guiding us to the future. But as a people’s movement, Pax Romana still carries a very relevant mission to society. our contribution for today and tomorrow matters more. The investments for the future, or for the ones yet to come matter more.
In the extremely troubled world today, the responsibility of people’s movements such as Pax Romana extends even further. In the past 100 years, we mostly responded to the existing social-economic-cultural religious issues. But in the fast-changing today’s world, Pax Ramana has to create solutions for problems we don’t yet know exist. Rather than problem-solving, we need to problem seek. The centennial initiatives of establishing Pax Romana centres around the world will serve this purpose.
In our diversity exists our uniqueness to share ideas, support students and professionals, implement projects and individually establish networks to grow our social capital and net worth. As we envisage the future of the Movement together through this occasion with the “Curtain-raiser for the next milestone: mobilising Catholic students and professionals for a peaceful, just, inclusive and a green world”, we are in communion together. The life of this Movement is a life of a community, service seeking social justice and the spirituality of action in our daily lives. We are evolving as a Movement. We have moved from one century and beginning another. In a time like this, we celebrate the torchbearers; and we come together to support ourselves to continue transforming our communities, one national movement at a time.
Let’s bring our ideas, talents, resources and networks to transform Pax Romana to the next version, so Pax Romana will continue her mission for another 100 years.
God bless Pax Romana global family!
Ravi Tissera – President, IMCS Pax Romana
Paris. July 23, 2022