Pax Romana begins another milestone from the Centennial Celebration Closing ceremony

On July 23, 2022, during the closing ceremony of the Pax Romana Centennial celebration, the Movement symbolically set the tone for a “Curtain-raiser for the next milestone: mobilizing Catholic students and professionals for a peaceful, just, inclusive and a green world”. It is worth noting that during the year-long celebrations, the Movement – IMCS Pax Romana and ICMICA – had been embarking on several projects and implementing activities at all levels.

The Centennial presentation on projects and activities

Thus, Pope Francis in his letter to the Pax Romana movements on 22 July 2022, called on leaders to work for the spread of the Gospel, its values of justice, peace and solidarity, and to be agents of social change. The Pope also acknowledged the contribution to the Church that the two Pax Romana movements, the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) and the International Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICMICA) have made to the Church over the century since the foundation of the IMCS in 1921

From the local, and regional to the international, we joined hands to celebrate our identity and impact within our communities and appreciate everyone. This was reiterated by the President of ICMICA Pax Romana, Prof Ana Maria Bidegain that through the years, Pax Romana has resisted and reorganized and continues to strengthen its faith and spiritual journey and engaging about 70 to 80 national federations from Africa, Latin America to Europe and Asia-Pacific. With our presence, we are committed as men and women and seek to have an impact on public policies and cultural changes needed to challenges in our communities as we walk and work together

ICMICA Pax Romana message by Prof Ana Maria Bidegain

While the world is evolving, Pax Romana is also developing new frontiers to continue working together with members and National Movements across the world. Hence, it is prudent to see and know that you are with us on this journey as we begin another milestone towards mobilizing Catholic students and professionals for a peaceful, just, inclusive and a green world. IMCS Pax Romana President Ravi Tissera invited every student to continue to engage and be willing to collaborate through networking, training and leading community development.  “Let’s bring our ideas, talents, resources and networks to transform Pax Romana to the next version, so Pax Romana will continue her mission for another 100 years”. This also reflects the call to duty to message from Pope Francis

IMCS Pax Romana message by Ravi Tissera

“Dear young friends, at this stage of your lives, you have much energy and a plethora of opportunities and choices before you. Yet, while you have many wishes and interests that you want to explore, not all of you live in environments that easily facilitate the pursuit of your dreams or that help you to grow in faith. Support one another in the life of faith and the pursuit of virtue” – Pope Francis, Letter to Pax Romana July 22, 2022

Fr Douglas MARCOUILLER SJ, Vicarius ad Tempus of the Jesuit Curia offered the Centennial blessings to all students and professionals

Centennial blessing by Fr Douglas MARCOUILLER SJ, Vicarius ad Tempus

“To all students and professionals gathered here and around the world, “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord shine divine light upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Risen Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace” (Numbers 6: 24-26) 

And may Almighty God bless all of you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

#PaxRomana #CentennialClosingCeremony #Since1921 #SocialJustice #Peace #IMCSMIEC #ICMICA #PaxRomana100 #IMCS #MIEC

You can also find the whole closing ceremony here
