Regional Team

IMCS Pax Romana is divided into 6 regions based on the geographical, linguistical and cultural backgrounds as Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America and Pan Africa. Each region has created their own coordination structures based on the regional realities and the historical growth. While Asia Pacific and Pan African regions have full time residential coordinators, Latin America and European regions have part-time non-residential coordinators. Coordination of North American and Middle Eastern movements are currently taken cared by Canadian and Egyptian movements respectively. Regional coordination teams are elected in separate regional assemblies by the national movements and coordinators have mandates varying from 1 to 4 years. Regional Coordinators together with International Coordinators create the IMCS Pax Romana International Coordination team.

The main responsibilities of the Regional Coordination Teams of IMCS Pax Romana are,

  • executing the decisions made by the national member movements’ delegates during the World Assembly, international Council and Regional assemblies.
  • representation in the regional bishops’ conferences, youth networks, civil society platforms, ecumenical networks, intergovernmental platforms…etc.
  • entering into partnership with like-minded religious, secular or youth regional organisations for campaigns, advocacy, formation…etc.
  • navigating the direction of the regional advocacy of the organisation and collaborating with IMCS Pax Romana Global Advocacy efforts.
  • ensuring the financial and administrative sustainability of the regional secretariats.
    accompanying the International Team in decision making, planning and executing of the international agenda of the movement.
    Accompanying and facilitating the sub regional/national movements during crisis situations.
  • creating regional/national formation opportunities to the membership of the movement.
  • Building the second line leadership of the global movement.
  • leading the movement expansion and formation missions in the region.
  • Leading/supporting the necessary knowledge creation efforts and processes of the movement.
  • preserving and transferring the memory of the regional movement.
  • reporting and providing the directions during the decision-making councils of the regional movement.
  • Leading/supporting the campaigns of the movement.