Au cours de ses 98 années d’existence, le Mouvement international des étudiants catholiques (MIEC) Pax Romana s’est livré à la redécouverte constante de son rôle et de sa pertinence dans les contextes social, politique, économique, culturel et spirituel qui sont en constante évolution dans le monde. Dans son effort de rester fidèle à son engagement d’établir un monde de paix et de justice, il a été confronté à une croissance à plusieurs variables de l’oppression systémique et structurelle des individus et des communautés. Il a également fait face à la disparité accrue de la répartition des richesses, notamment en ce qui concerne le transfert de la propriété publique des ressources naturelles à des entités privées, les politiques économiques qui desservent les intérêts des populations, la disparité des revenus et les pseudo initiatives d’ajustement structurel. Le mouvement s’est aussi opposé à la fragmentation et la polarisation accrues des communautés, ainsi que la normalisation de la violence au nom de la sécurité, de la nationalité, de la religion, de la race / ethnicité, de la culture, etc., qui se traduit par une forte militarisation, l’armement des civils, la légitimation du patriarcat et la haine communautaire. La réduction de la valeur de la vie humaine et de la productivité à un simple échange économique est un autre problème que combat le MIEC Pax Romana.
Malgré tout cela, le MIEC a également été témoin des luttes incessantes d’individus, de communautés, de mouvements et d’institutions contre l’oppression à laquelle ils sont confrontés, pour créer des processus et des alternatives favorables au peuple. Certains de ces processus et alternatives ont bénéficié de la participation / du pilotage du MIEC, tant au niveau local que mondial, à travers ses Programmes d’autonomisation, ses actions et sa solidarité, avec en première ligne, les étudiants.
Dans l’histoire, la mobilisation sociale catholique des étudiants a été initiée en réponse au chaos sociopolitique du début du XXe siècle. En raison des changements radicaux et rapides en général dans tous les domaines au cours des dernières décennies, le MIEC Pax Romana en est venu à comprendre qu’il est grand temps de revoir et de rajeunir l’action catholique des étudiants du monde entier en tenant compte du contexte actuel. Faire bouger les lignes dans le monde passe par le changement dans la façon dont le MIEC Pax Romana fait face à ces problèmes.
Alors que le monde considérait le « changement » comme le mantra du nouveau monde, le MIEC a réitéré que la « transformation » était la voie à suivre, car il estimait que le « changement » n’abordait pas suffisamment les questions d’injustice et n’avait pas ouvert la voie à la paix juste. Cependant, nous nous sommes rendu compte que la tâche colossale de construire un monde de justice et de paix nécessitait une réponse stratégique intensive et multiforme. C’est pourquoi un projet a été lancé, visant à renforcer le leadership mondial du MIEC grâce à l’autonomisation stratégique et l’initiation d’une Action et d’une Solidarité appropriées et adéquates pour contribuer à la construction d’un monde de justice et de paix à travers le monde. Le projet “Global Initiative for Students’ Empowerment, Action, and Solidarity (GISEAS) “(Initiative mondiale pour l’autonomisation, l’action et la solidarité des étudiants) du MIEC Pax Romana a été conçu pour répondre à la préoccupation citée plus haut.
L’initiative d’apprentissage virtuel en cours, « IMCS Continued Learning and Action Program (CLAP) » (Programme de formation et d’action permanentes), nous a appris que toucher les étudiants leaders directement en plus grand nombre génère un plus grand impact. Deuxièmement, cela donne également l’occasion aux étudiants leaders des mouvements nationaux d’en apprendre sur les questions de justice sociale, d’analyser leur contexte actuel, d’examiner leurs approches actuelles en matière d’action sociale, de redéfinir leur spiritualité d’action et de rechercher la clarté pour une meilleure action, à travers des interactions virtuelles et l’assistance d’experts.
Le programme CLAP du MIEC est une série d’ateliers virtuels de renforcement de capacités de 5 jours qui ont lieu chaque semaine, et sont axés sur différentes thématiques chaque mois. Ce programme de renforcement de capacités de 10 mois couvre les mouvements nationaux du MIEC, les partenaires œcuméniques et les groupes de solidarité du monde entier.
Processus et résultat
S.N | Thèmes | Focus |
1 | Marginalisation |
2 | Intégration du genre |
3 | Les peuples autochtones et le monde |
4 | Castes et intouchabilité |
5 | Religion |
6 | Éducation |
7 | Écologie et changement climatique |
8 | Justice |
9 | Théologiser l’action sociale |
10 | Pensées et mouvements sociaux |
11 | Leadership critique |
12 | Activisme étudiant |
*5% to 10% of the participants slots are available for the like-minded Catholic youth organizations and ecumenical partners.
As a part of the IMCS Pax Romana GISEAS project, IMCS Asia Pacific region has designed the “GLOCALIZING Students’ Catholic Action – National Transformative Leadership (NTL) Programme”. The programme has been designed after much deliberation about the regional social, political, economic and cultural contexts and also the current realities of the tertiary students’ community. This programme is expected to be a Training for the trainers where participating Student leaders will be given the capacity to respond the specific concerned areas recognized in the problematization of the programme in the hopes that they would be the trainers for their own student communities and the marginalized communities.
As the IMCS global survey revealed major gaps in skill-based student leadership at all levels of the movement, National Transformative Leadership Programme will be conducted, focusing on creatively and tangibly engage national student leaders in a process of learning, experimentation, action and solidarity. This leadership program will help the Catholic Tertiary student leaders to become prophetic and relevant voices in their campuses, local Churches and student communities across the Globe.
The National Transformative Leadership Programme shall resort to the following learning process:
Thematic Focus
The Global initiative is responding mainly to the aspirations and expectations of Catholic students worldwide. The thematic component of this National Transformative Leadership (NTL) program is therefore built up around the challenging realities expressed by the students at the national, sub regional and regional levels.
Therefore, there will be topics that will be globally prepared for the different thematic workshops, but there are other relevant topics that are specific to some regions.
This is a topic which many students have raised, especially relevant for Africa, Latin America and Asia. There are many leadership programs developed and proposed to the youth nowadays but, from what came out from the Global consultation is that many of these programs do not articulate with their contexts or capacitate them to offer adequate solutions to the challenges of their student communities such as gender inequality, social exclusion, climate change, water scarcity … etc.
The African and Asian students raised environmental challenges and the necessity for them to build up their capacities to tackle efficiently these issues of environmental justice and ecological conversion. These training, as expressed by the students, need to broaden/deepen the student leaders’ understanding of the ecological crises, such as climate change adaptation, coastal cities at risk, global warming, disaster risk reduction for resilience, based on the UN documents, Paris Agreement and the Catholic Social Teaching and Papal Encyclicals. The trainings shall aim at addressing issues of environment and livelihood (Eco-entrepreneurship), Environment and Spirituality, Ecological Citizenship, Ecological Responsibility, Sustainable Lifestyles etc.
The students from countries in development expressed mainly the desire to be trained on these matters as many of them still confronted with the question of democratisation. The capacity for the students to develop social and political analyses for understanding the complexities and subtleties of political manipulation and socio-political violence/conflicts involving youth. This thematic is of special importance to the Catholic Students in Africa to exercise a transformative leadership.
IMCS Pax Romana has been active in advocacy at the UN level, bringing the students’ voices in the international arena. However, the recent consultation showed the important of building the capacity of the national student leaders in terms of the skills of advocacy, enabling them to be able to advocate of their own local communities. The advocacy skills will enable the student leaders to strategically raise their voices vis-à-vis the political and public authorities.
The question of social and political involvement of the Christians, especially youth, is an old topic but of relevant in the current context. The student leaders need to have a good grasp of the biblical and theological foundations of the Spirituality of Action to confront the indifference and apathy in the Catholic youth so that IMCS Pax Romana live up to its name as ‘A movement’.
As Africa and Middle East are being confronted with a wide range of multifaced conflicts involving young people, the question of peace building, and dialogue become crucial. In Africa, the Muslims and Christians represent more than 95% of the population and many conflicts are related to these religions. That shows the transformational potential that religions represent for Africa. The interest of the Catholic students for peacebuilding and dialogue is a good step to deepen by the capacities of the youth leaders.
In a world marred by inequalities, the need for solidarity is an aspect that came mostly from the European and North American students. There is a necessity to build bridges, organize and reflect on pathways for solidarity is integral to the IMCS Pax Romana’s Spirituality of Action. For each of these topics, a position paper will be prepared and provided to trainees and their grassroot communities. These position papers will be grounded in the few of the UN documents and the Catholic Magisterium, and will use Human right approach. In addition to that, some guides with theoretical frameworks will be provided for leadership exercises.
Follow-up Actions
A Follow-up community Actions shall be an integral part of the NTL Programmes of IMCS Global Initiative. The national student leaders shall engage in planning for a thematic intervention as the follow up of the Global Initiatives in their respective countries.
In addition to providing virtual support for the incubation of the follow-up community actions, Global Initiative shall also make financial seed provisions available in each of the National Trainings.
*5% to 10% of the participants slots are available for the like-minded Catholic youth organizations and ecumenical partners.
As a part of the wider GISEAS project, IMCS Pax Romana has designed the “Global Advocacy training Programme”. The programme has been designed after much deliberation about the social, political, economic and cultural contexts and also the current realities of the tertiary students’ community.
This programme is expected to be an online Training for the youth where participating Student leaders will be given the capacity to respond the socio political economic cultural and religious concerns through advocacy with the hope that they would be the advocates and trainers for their own student communities and the marginalized communities.
Pax Romana in Advocacy
Following the global vision of the movement, since the foundation in 1921, Pax Romana has been active in advocacy in National and International levels in religious as well as secular platforms.
In the recent decades IMCS Pax Romana United Nation’s advocacy team has been the responsible arm of the organization for the Global advocacy efforts. IMCS Pax Romana has been an active partner and contributor to the UN processes through the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY) which is the UN General Assembly mandated official, formal and self-organized space for Children and Youth to contribute to and engage in certain intergovernmental and allied policy processes at United Nations which was established in 1992.
Objectives of the Advocacy Training Programme
Pax Romana has been an inspiration and a training ground for many civil society and political leaders for decades.
The unique formation opportunities through capacity building programmes and direct participation in policy making as well as solidarity actions have been the methodology of the movement for forming the young leaders all around the world. Through the Advocacy Training Program, IMCS Pax Romana expects to achieve the following objectives.
Topics covered in the Advocacy Training Programme
The IMCS Pax Romana “Global Advocacy Training (GAT) Programme” which will be conducted online, is expected to cover the basic topics related to Pax Romana advocacy engagements.
S. N | Topics |
Phase 1 – Conceptual Phase (5 Days) | |
1 | Contextual analysis
2 | Conceptual analysis
3 | Spirituality of action & Human Rights
Phase 2 – Skills (6 Days) | |
4 | Advocacy: Definition, Types & Tools |
5 | Stakeholder Analysis
6 | Policy Analysis (National, Regional & Global)
7 | Platforms for Advocacy
Phase 3 – Designing & Plan of Action (4 Days) | |
8 | Road Map for Advocacy
9 | Alliance & Movement Building
Continually Jesus withdrew from people, daily life activities, and the demands of his ministry to be alone with the Father and pray. Jesus’ solitude and silence is a significant theme in the Gospels. His ongoing, intimate relationship with his Abba was the source of his compassion, wisdom, and power that we see on every page of the Gospels.
The priority of Jesus’ solitude and silence is everywhere in the Gospels. It’s how he began his ministry. It’s how he made important decisions. It’s how he dealt with troubling emotions like grief. It’s how he dealt with the constant demands of his ministry and cared for his soul. It’s how he taught his disciples. It’s how he prepared for important ministry events. It’s how he prepared for his death on the cross.
We live at a time of a new social order, various new/modified components of society. There is a change in the traditional social systems, social structures, and social institutions. The world has learned to live with the changes that the world has seen. In the new world order, there are good and bad things. There are lots of positives that we can enjoy in the current scenario. We are connected with far of people and communities, better health care, better educational opportunities, changed the life of women, quality of food clothing and shelter and better future for our kids. The development has taken centre stage in the new socio-economic paradigm.
However, we live in a fast-moving world. Human beings do not have time to look around and enjoy the serenity of nature and live like a passing cloud that gives occasional joy. The world has such a fantastic thing that can be instrumental in understanding the behaviour of various aspects of living and non-living beings in the world.
There is no doubt that the world order is changing but its positively changing for a few and leaving out many. The gap between rich and poor has widened. The new policies of the government are favouring the rich in accumulating economic and social capital. There is an increase in discrimination based on gender, caste, race, culture, language, and region. The battle to survive has led to violence. The violence against has gone up across the world.
In these contradicting segments, there is a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel. The world has seen individuals, groups fighting at all level to make sure that the resources are available for the present and future generations. There is an emergence of new alternative world order that focusses on the sustainability of resources. One such group is the student community.
The 15day Global Social Immersion pilgrimage looks at the following aspects.
The first part of the day will focus on being with the people and do what they do in day to day life. These collective experiences will strengthen the community life of the groups and identify the community life, social structure, social capital, rural economy and power dynamics operating in the communities.
The second part of the day will focus on the footsteps of Jesus Christ. The participants will spend time in silence and solitude to experience that Christ had. The consolidation of social experience will culminate in prayer as Jesus did.
Part 1 | Part 2 |
Day 1: Knowing self and others | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 2: Knowing the surrounding | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 3: Experiencing Their Culture | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 4: Understanding Social Life | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 5: Understanding the Rural Economy | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 6: Communities and Environment | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 7: Communities and status of Women | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 8: Communities and Children | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 9: Communities and Power dynamics | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 10: Communities and Alternatives | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 11: Communities and Social Mapping | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 12: Food and communion | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 13: Consolidation of experiences | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 14: Consolidation of Experiences | Reflection and Sharing |
Day 15: Presentation and Departure | Reflection and Sharing |
These 15days of Global Social Immersion Pilgrimage will enhance the students perspective on communities by being rooted in the teaching of Jesus Christ.
As a continuation of “Global Advocacy training Programme (GAT)” IMCS Pax Romana has built a programme, “Global Advanced Advocacy Training Programme” to elevate the level of advocacy to international level. “GAT” was a foundation for advocacy, whereas “GAAT” aims to equip the participants with advanced tools for advocacy and build their capacity to advocate in international platforms. The programme will be organised in a physical location, for 15 days (180 Hours) which helps the participants to experience the tools and intensity of advocacy in a well-structured training process.
Through the Global Advanced Advocacy Training Program, IMCS Pax Romana expects to achieve the following objectives.
The workshop has been divided into three sections:
Section 1: Tools | ||
Day | Topics | |
1 | Players in advocacy
| |
2 | ||
3 | Policy Analysis
| |
4 | Policy Intervention
| |
5 | Policy Making
| |
Section 2: Designing Advocacy | ||
6 | Designing advocacy
| |
7 | ||
8 | Monitoring and Evaluation
| |
9 | ||
10 | ||
Section 3: Implementing Advocacy | ||
11 | Partnership building
| |
12 | Advocacy Campaign
| |
13 | ||
14 | Global Advocacy Mechanism
| |
15 | Universal Periodic Review
The International coordinators of IMCS are the key implementers, facilitators and coordinators of the Global Initiative. In order to enhance their capacity to better organise the different aspects of the Global Initiative, the following training will be conducted.
Under the program, IMCS International Coordinators, Regional Coordinators and Sub Regional Coordinators are expected to be trained. The Dynamics of the programme shall focus on the following key elements/Skills of learning for effective implementation:
The role of the Chaplains and the Animators as accompaniers of the Students’ prophetic Catholic Action is crucial to the sustainability of the IMCS Global-regional-national Movements. Over the years we have realized the need for enhancing the capacities of the Chaplains and Animators to enable them to respond intellectually, socially and spiritually to the growing demands of the tertiary student communities. Therefore, Global/G-CAFE shall follow the following process below to enhance the chaplains and animators’ formation and exchange:
Accompanying the Student communities necessitates a clearer understanding of the student communities.
GISEAS, an initiative of IMCS, aims to cover 88 countries over a period of five years, the vital component for this initiative are the trainers. IMCS Pax Romana plans to train the trainers through “GISEAS Trainers Program”, which is a 10-day (120 Hours) programme.
Through the GISEAS Trainers Program (GTP), IMCS Pax Romana expects to achieve the following objectives.
The workshop has been divided into three sections:
Section 1: Context Setting | ||
Day | Topics | |
1 | Concepts in Training
| |
Section 2: Popular Education Methodology | ||
2 | Introduction to Popular Education
| |
3 | Facilitation
| |
Section 3: Tools | ||
4 | Popular Education Tools
| |
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 | ||
8 | ||
9 | ||
10 |