
Official Address:

c/o European Youth Forum, 10, Rue de l´Industrie, 1000 Bruxelles BELGIUM
Official Email:
Youtube : PP PMKRI

Motto of the Movement
Fight the good fight of faith

Year of Foundation 1955

Brief History
One of the most important decisions of the International Commission in Brussels in 1954 was to separate the regional work from the work on world level. This was the start to create continental YCS movements.

An assembly from the 3rd until 6th March 1955 in Vienna decided on the constitution of a biannual European Committee and the nomination of Franz-Wilhelm Heimer as first European Secretary.

During the European meeting on the 30th and 31st May 1955 in London the European orientations were elaborated, a financial basis was created and one decided to organise two summercamps in 1965, one for boys and one for girls.

In Ortenberg, from the 19th till 22nd September 1955 it was proposed to establish a European Secretariat.
So you see that between August 1954 and September 1955 most of the European structures as we know still today were created or it was decided to create them : Committee, European Secretary, European Secretariat, summercamps (since 1967 named Summerweeks), orientations, financial basis, study sessions (in the beginning integrated in the Committees).

Some aspects came later like the Statutes in October 1957 and the decision in November 1982 to organise a Congress.

Names and Positions of Current team members
JECI-MIEC European Team 2020

EKNE Greece: Eirini Freri (European Coordinator) 
FUCI Italy: Anna Miccolis 
JEC France: Georg Henkel 
MCE Portugal: Maria Correia 
European Chaplain: Father Sergio Fenech (Malta)