Official Address:
c/o European Youth Forum, 10, Rue de l´Industrie, 1000 Bruxelles BELGIUM
Official Email:
Youtube : PP PMKRI
Motto of the Movement
Fight the good fight of faith
Year of Foundation 1955
Brief History
One of the most important decisions of the International Commission in Brussels in 1954 was to separate the regional work from the work on world level. This was the start to create continental YCS movements.
An assembly from the 3rd until 6th March 1955 in Vienna decided on the constitution of a biannual European Committee and the nomination of Franz-Wilhelm Heimer as first European Secretary.
During the European meeting on the 30th and 31st May 1955 in London the European orientations were elaborated, a financial basis was created and one decided to organise two summercamps in 1965, one for boys and one for girls.
In Ortenberg, from the 19th till 22nd September 1955 it was proposed to establish a European Secretariat.
So you see that between August 1954 and September 1955 most of the European structures as we know still today were created or it was decided to create them : Committee, European Secretary, European Secretariat, summercamps (since 1967 named Summerweeks), orientations, financial basis, study sessions (in the beginning integrated in the Committees).
Some aspects came later like the Statutes in October 1957 and the decision in November 1982 to organise a Congress.
Names and Positions of Current team members
JECI-MIEC European Team 2020
Federation of Ukrainian Catholic Academic and Student Associations “Obnova”
Motto of the Movement
Renovare Omnia in Christo
Year of Foundation 1930 Year of IMCS membership
Brief History
Association of Ukrainian Catholic Students(AUCS) Obnova is secular movement of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church established in Lviv in 1930. It formed part of the larger Catholic Action movement. In the 30’s Obnova was a representative of Ukrainian Catholic students, engaged self-education and formed the young elite of Ukrainian society. Its first president was Petro Isaiv. With the Soviet occupation of Galicia in 1939 Obnova was dissolved; it was revived only in 1946 in Munich as the Federation of Associations of Ukrainian Catholic Students “Obnova”. Also in 1946 the Obnova Ukrainian Catholic Academic Alliance was established, by a group of senior Obnova members. Both organizations had branches in many cities in Europe, the United States, Canada, and Australia.
In 1992, AUCS “Obnova” revived its activities in Lviv after Ukraine became an independent. In the following years, the Obnova’s associations were established in Ternopil in 1997, Chernivtsi in 1998, Ivano-Frankivsk in 2004, Kyiv in 2006 and Lublin (Poland) in 2016. In addition, there are an academic associations “Obnova” in Lviv and Chernivtsi, which unites the older generation of former Obnova’s students. Together they are united in the Federation of Ukrainian Catholic Academic and Student Associations “Obnova”.
According to its motto “Renovare Omnia in Christo”, AUCS “Obnova” perform the following objectives:
• to evangelise students and spiritually form them;
• to promote student’s lay apostolate;
• to intellectually develop students;
• to develop Christian leaders;
• to promote Ukrainian culture and national traditions;
• to promote active student life;
• to represent Christian students at national and international events and organisations;
• to cooperate with international student organizations.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Iryna Zaiats – President of the Federation of Ukrainian Catholic Academic and Student Associations “Obnova”
Juventud Estudiante Católica
Motto of the Movement
Option preferentielle pour les pauvres
Year of Foundation 1947 Year of IMCS membership
Brief History
La JEC es un movimiento de Acción Católica Especializada (ACE), que pretender llevar el Evangelio a los Centros Educativos, al mundo estudiantil, y a nuestro mundo en general.
¿Dónde estamos?
Estamos en varias diócesis españolas (Badajoz, Bilbao, Cáceres, Granada, Madrid, Palencia, Plasencia, Salamanca, Sevilla) normalmente vinculadas a Parroquias y en constante comunión con la Iglesia y sus pastores, sin olvidar que somos jóvenes del mundo y nos movemos en nuestra clase y en nuestros ambientes.
¿Qué hacemos?
Caminamos con la ayuda de nuestra fe en Jesucristo, en su Evangelio y damos pasos a través de la realidad del mundo estudiantil. Somos cristianos y cristianas encarnados en los ambientes estudiantiles.
¿Cómo lo hacemos?
La JEC se concreta en Grupos de Revisión de Vida que se reúnen en parroquias o en otros espacios. Estos grupos trabajan con herramientas como la Revisión de Vida, las campañas, la Lectura Creyente de la Realidad, o el Proyecto Personal de Vida y Acción.
¿Cuál es la estructura?
En las Diócesis a través de los Equipos Diocesanos, coordinados por una persona joven responsable, en un equipo en el que hay un sacerdote, o consiliario, que lo acompaña. Y a nivel estatal nos coordinamos los diferentes responsables, ayudados de un equipo de personas que llamamos Equipo Permanente (formado por la Presidencia, la Economía, la Secretaría, la Consiliaría y la Responsabilidad de animación), que trabajan para la JEC durante todo el curso.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Presidencia: Clara Manuela Fernández-Merino Gutiérrez
F.U.C.I. – Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana
Year of Foundation 1896 Year of IMCS membership 1921
Brief History
La Fuci was founded in Fiesole in 1896 and immediately entered the Italian cultural and ecclesiastical youth scene.
Its aim is to train young people through the instruments of faith and culture. The presence in Italian universities and dioceses is the fulcrum of this meeting, making it possible to experience how it is possible to put these two aspects into practice and to live the mission of university students in the light of the Gospel.
It organises cultural and spiritual appointments such as the National Congress, now in its tenth edition, the Formative Module and the Theological Week, which takes place in Camaldoli, a symbolic place of the union between faith and science.
Among the personalities linked to the Fuci we cannot but remember Aldo Moro, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and St. Paul VI.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Martina Occhipinti e Lorenzo Cattaneo (Presidents)
Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej
Motto of the Movement
Living the faith
Year of Foundation 1956 Year of IMCS membership
Brief History
Drum Bun is youth section of KIK (Club of Catholic Intelligentsia est. 1956). Section was founded in 1998 by students from University of Warsaw.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Waiting for new elections
Official Address: Freta street 20/24a, 00-227 Warsaw, Poland
Official Email: and
Telephone: +48 22 827.39.39
Catholic Student Movement (MCE, in portuguese)
Motto of the Movement
“Students at Church and Catholics at school”
Year of Foundation 1980 Year of IMCS membership
Brief History
MCE is a Portuguese Catholic Action Movement that emerged from the Catholic University Youth (JUC) and the Catholic School Youth (JEC) in 1980.
As a Movement we seek to build an open and free space for search, confrontation, dialogue and debate, where we can express our faith, opinions and thoughts, as an expression of the Christian Faith. We are young students who question ourselves about our role in society, at school and in the Church.
In our meetings, activities and others, we seek to follow the Review of Life Method (See, Judge, Act), trying to have a critical look at what surrounds us and to take action on it, always seeking to follow the life example of Jesus Christ.
The Review of Life Method is the foundation of our Movement and we try to bring it into our lives as a way of life and a way of life as ‘students at Church and Catholics at school’.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Luísa Jacinto, National Coordinator
Mariana Pedrosa, National Secretary
Carolina Teotónio, National Sector Coordinator
Diana Silva, National Treasurer
Official Address: Avenida Sidónio Pais, nº20, 4ºDto, 1050-215 Lisboa
Official Email:
Instagram: @movimentocatolicoestudantesmce
Asociația Tineretului Român Unit – ASTRU Cluj
Motto of the Movement
“Help us Lord to be useful to our Church and our people” (Fr. Vasile Fernea)
Year of Foundation 1927 Year of IMCS membership 1932
Brief History
Founded in 1927 in Cluj by Prof. Dr. Alexandru Borza, a very well known botanical scientist.
In 1932 ASTRU becomes a member of IMCS Pax Romana.
In the interwar period ASTRU contributed to the spiritual, cultural and social formation of young people, having been one of the most important Youth Associations of the Greek-Catholic Church. In the context of the 1948 communist party uprising, the responsible for ASTRu has decided to cease any activity.
The activity resumed in the period 1990-2002 as a group of initiatives. Activities from those times are Conferences, Activities for Charity, Prayer Evenings, Shows, Spiritual Exercises and Retreat days. In December 2002 ASTRU Cluj has became an NGO and started spreading in the prishes of the Eparchy of Cluj-Gherla.
Right now ASTRu CLuj has groups in over 14 parishes with over 300 members in total. ASTRU Cluj offers to each person who participate to the life of the association, access to the kind of formation that contributes to the human and spiritual growth, and has a particular attention to the different stages of life, both at a personal level and at group level.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Teodora Ana Capan – President
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