On the 22nd of June 2023 IMCS Pax Romana was represented at the Annual Meeting of Ecclesial Movements held by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life by Francesco Fonte, a member of FUCI and European Coordinating Team Member. It has been a fruitful occasion for reasoning on the renovated role of ecclesial movements in the Church, in the vein of apostolicity. This has been the core theme of the conferences, with speeches delivered by Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell, the prefect of the Dicastery, and theologians who are part of the movements.
The reflection of the day was based on a written version of the speech delivered by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1998 at the World Congress of Ecclesial Movements.
The addresses analyzed Ratzinger’s view about ecclesial movements, rooting its approach to the relationship between charisms, the institutional church and related to that the specific positioning of the movements in apostolic communion with the Pope. Furthermore, it was recalled Pope Francis’ invitation to avoid certain tendencies referred to Ecclesial Movements’ today, namely in the contrast of the rising auto referentiality of several realities and in the effects of “personalism” in imposing a predominant personality of view of the movement, especially that of the founder.
Several points which were raised could be useful for the associative discernment of social action movements’ like IMCS Pax Romana. This charism of IMCS is an expression of the plurality of ways in which the laity interpret their positioning in the Church, namely by taking up social action and addressing the need of the oppressed and marginalized people as well as, as repeatedly addressed during the meeting, in the diffusion of Catholic Social Teaching in operative terms.
Link to the news: click here to read about it
We are happy to welcome all the International Catholic Action Movements (MIACS) – JECI, MIDADE, CIJOC, CARDIJN, JOCI, MIAMSI, FIMARC, MIJARC and MMTC – here inside the Pax Romana Centennial Centre in La Roche-sur-Foron in France for a weekend of dialogue on the dynamics of actions, challenges, missions, our spirituality and evangelisation and the way forward together. In our hybrid session, we explored the relevance of our interconnectedness, our working realities on all levels, and cooperation means supporting each other and working together in a continuum through different generations. Notably, the focus of our specialized Catholic actions continues to bind us to stay in touch with our communities for impact.
Here is an excerpt from our conclusions;
As MIACS we work on various actions within the framework of our responsibilities and commitments, with particular attention to the most marginalised and those living on the periphery, in the face of major challenges such as climate change, peace and poverty. As lay Christians, we live out these responsibilities and commitments with the spirituality of action perspectives, for there is neither a human future in an exclusively materialistic vision nor a Christian life that is not incarnated in human realities.
Hence, we have decided to;
The work of organizing the MIACS joint activities and reflection meetings continues and will be coordinated for coming year by ICYCW and IYCS Secretariats.
This in La Roche sur Foron on 23 April 2023 at the Pax Romana Centennial Centre
The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) organized a thematic workshop themed “The Impact of Climate Change on Labour Migration: Exchanging practices and exploring opportunities for sustainable development, decent work and a just labour market transition” at ILO HQ in Geneva on 29 March 2023.
Together with the CSOs and States, IMCS Pax Romana continues to contribute and advocate for accountability for labour migration influenced by climate change. Notably, decent and rewarding work is a concern of many young people around. Hence, we strive to see the integration of human mobility and environmental sustainability into policies at all levels for implementation. As such, the intersection between labour, migration and climate change is timely, considering all the diverse effects. We call for acknowledgement, collaboration and robust systems in addressing the challenges involved.
With the first panel discussion, our conversation focused on labour migration as an adaptation strategy. The panelists shared concerns about the impact of migration within their context and how the paradigm shift has been caused by the effects of climate change. The factors involved are not competing against themselves but rather complementary. And in further analysis of the situation, we discussed about the solutions to help mitigate the challenge at various within different contexts during the second panel discussion. It focused on meeting new skills demand created by climate action – with a focus on youth.
In summary, the thematic workshop amplified the key messages below as captured in the ILO Just Transition Policy briefs on Labour Migration and Human Mobility
In response to Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical and the United Nations’ call for governments to declare a climate emergency until neutrality is achieved, the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Pax Romana held its World Assembly who gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 03 – 09 July 2023 on Global Climate Emergency at the newly constructed International Youth Training Centre focused on Theme: “Global Climate Emergency: Capacity building of tertiary students to be advocates for environmental, social, cultural, political and economic justice”. This assembly brought 103 participants (76 in-person and 27 online) from 33 different countries in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and North America. Representing about 53.5% males and 46.5% females; this comprised Catholic Students Leaders, Observers, Facilitators, Interpreters as well as Chaplains & the Religious.
IMCS Pax Romana appreciates the presence of the over 150 community members and Elders as well as the Non-Formal Education Office, Ministry of Industry, Communal Life of Love and Unity of the Mountain People (CLUMP), Dr Jitprapa Srioon, MANFA Institute & Chairman of the Learning Center for All Ages, Baan Saan Fun Pan Suk, Bro. Dr. Dechachai Sripicharn, Provincial, Brothers of St. Gabriel Foundation, the Good Shepherd Sisters, Most Rev. Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana, Bishop of Chiang Mai Diocese and Secretary General, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Thailand (CBCT), the Police, Dancers, the Catholic Students Network of Thailand (CSNT) and all those who joined us during the 2023 World Assembly Opening Ceremony.
Referencing the final declaration on the climate emergency, participants at the IMCS Pax Romana World Assembly discussed rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, food and water sovereignty and health issues, how indigenous peoples are essential stewards of nature and biodiversity, and the smallest communities are the most affected by climate change. The effects of climate change are disproportionately felt by vulnerable communities, such as those in destitution and indigenous peoples. This included on-site visits and experience sharing in and around Chiang Mai such as a knowledge visit to a local canal, soil preservation and testing mobile applications and black soldier fly farming.
In a further development, IMCS Pax Romana is committed to supporting environmental knowledge through research and development, providing its members with opportunities to represent the marginalized, advocating for environmental preservation, and collaborating with other organizations and stakeholders. Advocacy and education are essential for fostering a collective effort to combat climate change and promote change. It is essential to collaborate with vulnerable communities and relevant stakeholders to address their specific needs and preserve indigenous knowledge and practices that contribute to sustainable resource management.
IMCS Pax Romana urges other Catholic Youth Organizations and communities around the world to respond to the Global Climate Emergency, as well as local authorities, governments, and international organizations to incorporate environmental protection into all of their efforts. Students of the Catholic faith must utilize their resources to persuade governing bodies to prioritize the Global Climate Emergency on their national and local agendas.
The call to action emphasizes collaboration with vulnerable communities and relevant stakeholders and urges Catholic youth organizations and communities worldwide to take action in response to the Global Climate Emergency.
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IMCS-MIEC Pax Romana’s leadership has been evolving over the past century with capable leaders seeking to ensure that the Movement continues the mission of ‘Mobilizing students for peace and justice’. Ultimately, the following team was elected to lead the Movement to achieve the objectives of the final plan of action approved by the 2023 delegates of the World Assembly for the next four years. The election took place at the International Youth Training Centre (IYTC) in Chiang Mai, Thailand on July 8, 2023.
WILLIAM NOKREK, International President
William served as the recent Asia Pacific Regional Coordinator from 2019 to 2022. He is an indigenous person from Garo community of Kaowakuri, Sherpur of Bangladesh.
He is a graduate in Journalism, Communication and Media Studies and has a wider grasp of current realities of youth struggles. As a Journalist, he uses his skills in documentation and visual communication to champion the concerns of young people, especially the marginalized communities like the indigenous people. He has been a member of different movements most of his life and led in different capacities. And for the better part of the last decade, he has been working in IMCS-MIEC Pax Romana specifically as a Human rights activist, towards protection of rights of indigenous peoples and Marginalised Communities in Bangladesh and Asia Pacific region; towards Student empowerment, Youth Rights and Meaningful Participation.
Emphatically quoting Pope Francis, as he also called on young people to be “agents of social change”, referencing the Papal message to mark the Pax Romana Centenary Celebration. In addition, William said “I’ve learned and felt that human rights, indigenous peoples’ rights and environmental justice have not just been my passion and work but now it’s become my fundamental commitment. I believe that power is in these young people.”
FASIKA LACHORE LABA, International Secretary-General
Fasika served as the recent Pan Africa Regional Coordinator from 2019 to 2022. He is an Ethiopian and has BSc in Information Technology, Msc in Software Engineering and Pursuing Master Degree in Development Studies at Catholic University of Eastern African.. With a profound dedication to advancing social justice and an unwavering commitment to serving others, he believes that his extensive skills and experiences will help him lead the Movement to achieve its objectives during the Administrative Year.
He has been responsible for East, West, and South Africa through correspondence, planning and managing annual projects aimed at empowering young people. And fundraising for country-specific programs as well as managing the finances and the staff of the secretariat.
As a member of the Movement for over a decade, he has engaged in policy dialogues on various platforms for campaigns, advocacy, formation. And the outcome the Coordination working together is the development of the Child Safeguarding and Welfare Policy for the organization involved in human rights advocacy and monitoring the development of strategic campaigns. Part of his mission is managing resources, developing and growing partnerships and engaging stakeholders by promoting peace, social justice, and empowering young people through an organized entrepreneurial skills and development training for youth participation and sustenance.
FR JOJO M. FUNG SJ, International Chaplain
Fr Jojo is a Jesuit Priest from Malaysia. He served in various capacities within the Asia Pacific Regional Coordination. Currently, he is also an Assistant Professor at the Loyola School of Theology in Manila, Philippines.
Having collaborated with the 2020-2023 International Team, and working with the Chaplains and lay animators at the global, Latin American, Pan Africa and Asia Pacific and European levels, Fr Jojo is motivated to continue accompanying a few more generations of chaplains and laywomen/men animators based on this unshakable conviction: “IMCS is as strong as the animators & Chaplains are formed”. With his experiences of spearheading the Chaplains, Lay Animators and Elders Commission, he see the need for continuity as there are lots of works to be done in the next four years (2024-2027) to lay the foundation for a strong IMCS-MIEC in the next 10 years if the movement is to be sustained in the next 100 years till 2121, especially coordinating with regional chaplains onwards. He stated clearly his mission to accompany the new team in building up and sustaining the training programs for the formation of committed leadership of our tertiary students throughout the world at the training and formation centres being established by IMCS-MIEC Pax Romana (namely IYTC, PRCC and the future centres). As the Team’s Accompanier, he seeks to support to strengthen and coordinate closer parternship with civil society organizations, UN agencies, officials in the Dicasteries in Vatican, FABC and local Bishop Conferences to continue promoting IMCS-MIEC Pax Romana’s mission.
They will be working with outgoing International Team and the current International Coordinating Team members;
Ravi Tissera Warnakulasooriya – International President (Outgoing)
Victor Kweku Ayertey, International Secretary-General (Outgoing)
In a nutshell, the significance of the paths we thread towards addressing the needs of the coming years and our impact on the next generations guides us as a Student, Church and an Educational Movement as well as an International Organization.
While we have been preparing for the World Assembly regarding the study session on Climate Change and how young people (students) are contributing in addressing this global climate emergency, IMCS Pax Romana representatives have also been following, participating and presenting our contributions at the following conferences concurrently happening this week.
In Geneva, the Secretary-General of IMCS Pax Romana, Victor Ayertey is participating in the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) 2023 under the theme “Advancing social justice, promoting decent work”. We have been following the discussions of the Committee on Just Transition and other Committees. Though the final resolutions and recommendations are yet to be published, we hope that our recommendations in the joint statement with the International NGOs focusing on the future of social dialogue shall also be considered. Discussing labour issues and social justice in relation to the climate change and how it is important to consider these elements to advance the actions for climate change. The Future of Social Dialogue from the Perspectives of International Non- Governmental Organisations (INGOs) intends to contribute to the transformation of the social dialogue in order to ensure that those who are marginalised, vulnerable and unrecognised in the informal economy can participate meaningfully and make full use of social dialogue as a public good. It is a first response to the Director General’s Global Coalition for Social Justice, which will be launched on the occasion of the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference.
IMCS Pax Romana participated in workshops focusing on specific thematic areas such as poverty, migration, socio- economic crisis aiming to prepare a roadmap for our future engagement on social justice and the promotion of work as care. Msgr. Anthony Ekpo, Under Secretary, Dicastery for Promoting Human Integral Development and Msgr. John Putzer, Counsellor at the Holy See Mission to the UN in Geneva, were part of the workshops moderated by Pierre Martinot-Lagarde, Special advisor on religious affairs, International Labour Organization – ILO under the theme “Social justice in the world of work and beyond: from common values to common engagement and action”. As organized by International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), “The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato Si’” Project cooperated with Catholic-Inspired Organisations (CIOs), together with other faith actors and COMECE, Aggiornamenti Sociali, CERAS, WCC, ATD Quart-Monde, CIOs, with the participation of WIEGO and international networks of workers in the informal economy.
In Bangkok, Bertha Samponu, the Asia Pacific coordinator of IMCS Pax Romana together with our partner from North South Initiative participated in the United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific Under the theme “From Commitment to Action”. The 5th UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum aims to build on ongoing dialogue on the issues, challenges, and sectors the business and human rights community needs to act upon and what needs to be done to ensure commitments are put into action. In reference to the concept note, the Forum brought diverse interlocutors to discuss, debate, and share insights on issues ranging from the regulation of global supply chains and the implications of corporate sustainability due diligence to the recently recognized right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, for example. There were also highlights on issues, challenges, and sectors that the BHR community needs to act upon, including the intersection of climate-induced labour migration, biodiversity and BHR, the responsibility of development financiers, and the role of micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises, among others. Bertha also joined the sessions about Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in accelerating the climate action agenda as facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
And then in Bonn, our representative from the JECI-MIEC Coordination, Fabian Abel from Germany has been following the 58 session of the Bonn Climate Change Conference Subsidiary Body Meetings (SBs) in relation to Climate Change. Through the Bonn Climate Change Conference, we hope that there would be an increase in the transparency and accountability of climate action for minimizing the impacts that climate change is having on the agriculture and food security sectors in most affected countries. And there will be decisions towards operationalising the new loss and damage fund and funding arrangements at COP28. There was also a debate about tokenism, how it continues to impact youth participation and listening to youth voices on matters of interest such as the Climate Change. At the Youth Action meeting, one of the concerns which affects youth participation in these conferences is about Visa Accessibility. Referencing the Open Letter, it has always been the case that “African and South and Southeast Asian delegates especially face long, intransparent visa procedures that cause rising costs and limitations in preparations, while often visas are not approved in time preventing the attendance altogether”.
In sum, we understand that the factors of Labour, Business and Human Rights all have an impact of the effects of Climate Change and clearly, they are all interconnected. Hence, going forward, we are building our capacity as young people and extending our networks for collaboration in addressing the rising issues in all these sectors from the youth perspective.
The Secretary-General of IMCS-MIEC Pax Romana, Victor Ayertey participated in the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council Annual high-level panel discussion on human rights mainstreaming as a sign of support for the representative, Christine Salloum, of the International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organizations (ICMYO). She represents ICMYO within the High-level Steering Committee of the United Nations Youth Strategy 2030. The theme panel was “A reflection on five years of the United Nations Youth Strategy (Youth 2030): mapping a blueprint for the next steps”. And during the panel session, the ICMYO representative shared some highlights about the challenges and the best ways to ensure accountability for meaningful participation, and partnership, from the youth perspective when it comes to implementing the UN Youth Strategy.
Christine stated that “For young people, to be accountable and take responsibility towards society means that one must exercise the right to be part of the decision-making process, to work in partnership with decision-makers and boards and be fully engaged. And acknowledging the importance of youth needs assessment from our knowledge, experiences, and perspective of youth helps in addressing the issues of the highest priority. Most importantly, the recognition of the value of investing in and empowering youth is unavoidable. Youth accountability is part of community engagement and the overall accountability that we need to achieve the Youth 2030 strategy. It is a way of working that recognizes and values community members as equal partners and the statement of working with and for youth. It makes sure their opinions are heard and used to design and guide the results and goals. Equal and equitable access to funding by youth organizations to build youth capacities and promote youth rights to ensure meaningful participation across all UN systems. More youth should have the opportunity to participate in the HRC processes and mechanisms.
In addition, some speakers also shared their concerns to reiterate that today’s young people are facing multiple challenges, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a need to strengthen the partnership with young persons to achieve positive transformative change. Notwithstanding these challenges, young people were important agents of change, with enormous capacity to change the world for the better, and yet, globally, they faced enormous challenges to achieving their human rights. The United Nations had an obligation to provide a safe future, and in order to make progress in these areas, the United Nations Youth Strategy was a positive step to provide means to allow young people to participate in decision-making for their future”.
In sum, Christine advocated that there should be the presence of young people in future sessions of the Council. And IMCS-MIEC Pax Romana continues to advocate for young people’s participation, collaboration and involvement in the decision-making process, implementation and evaluation of projects spearheaded by United Nation Agencies.
Note: IMCS-MIEC Pax Romana is a member of the network of youth-led organizations under the umbrella of the International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organizations (ICMYO).
On the environment agenda, IMCS Pax Romana joined the Geneva Environment Network (GEN) for “Human Rights and the Environment: HRC52 Information Sharing Session” at the International Environment House. The Secretary-General, Victor Ayertey, represented the Movement during the session as we continue to champion the healthy environment agenda. As such, we hoped that #HRC52 will take pragmatic decisions to address the issues of climate change, from the #humanrights perspective, towards a healthy environment for all, and our concerns of young people.
The broader push is to highlight interlinkages between human rights and environment issues, particularly as seen in “pure consensus” decision to include the Right to Healthy Environment at climate change #COP27 and biodiversity #COP15. Information from UNEP indicated that they have been working more on human rights issues, underscoring their engagement at #HRC52, including the launch of handbook on engagement with human rights mechanisms and Stocktaking of recommendations of treaty bodies, Universal Periodic Reviews (UPR) and Human Rights Council on environmental issues.
It includes reviewing the reports of actions taken by member countries and many other organizations such as the NGOs, Inter-governmental and International Organizations, and assessing the future possibilities based on the resolutions for the environment from the human rights perspective.
The 13th Pan African Assembly was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 10th to 16th December 2022, under the theme of “Celebrating the journey of IMCS in youth transformation and innovation across Africa within the context and impact of Covid-19 Pandemic”. Assembly was participated by delegates from more than 30 countries of the African region as well as former regional coordinators, former national leaders, international chaplain Fr. Jojo Fung SJ, Asia Pacific coordinator William Nokrek and International President Ravi Tissera.
The International President and Asia Pacific coordinator contributed to the session as speakers of a panel discussion under the theme of “Youth Leadership in Africa: Youth and SDGS” and they brought the perspectives from their respective offices to the discussion. International chaplain shared his expertise through a session under the topic of “Environment, Common Home and Mother Earth: Leveraging on social platforms for a good cause and impact”. Following the statutes of IMCS Pan Africa, an election was held to elect new coordinators for the region.
Pardington Nhundu from NMCS Zimbabwe was elected as the anglophone coordinator and Dr Stanislas Kpatcha N’djao was elected as the francophone coordinator for the mandate of 2023 – 2026.
As part of the “Multistakeholder approaches to achieve the SDGs: Opportunities and challenges for NGOs”, Pax Romana represented students at the International Conference of NGOs at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Our interest is more than just the conversation and in the systems that facilitate and makes available the resources to support young people who take action. The 2022 International Conference of NGOs was held at the UNESCO Headquarters and online from 14-16 December 2022. Our discussion was guided by the theme “Breaking barriers – What role for civil society organizations towards a sustainable future?”. With all the NGOs presents and those who joined online, we reviewed and approved the activity and financial report of the previous team, brainstormed the work programme for the next two years and discussed the outcome of the survey on the implementation of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s partnership with NGOs. Member states cannot achieve the SDGs alone, hence it is crucial to be stronger together by working with UNESCO National Commissions. It is also because of the evolving role and future of civil society organizations (CSOs) and partnerships in the global movement for the transformation of education in a fast-changing and challenging world”. We co-create and the impacts are beyond the point where the Global North give lessons to the Global South about the best ways to address the challenges we face as a world.
We continue to seek room to collaborate with other like-minded NGOs across the world to make society better through education “Since wars begin in the minds of women and men, it is in the minds of women and men that the defenses of peace must be constructed”