Official Address: ATHI River KARIBU Home New York k 1 Nairobi kenya
Official Email:
Telephone: +254 722 205 979
Website: www.imcs-miec-africa
Facebook: IMCS MIEC Pax Romana Africa
Motto of the Movement
Option preferentielle pour les pauvres
Year of Foundation 1946 Year of IMCS membership 1946
Brief History
En Afrique, le mouvement a été créé en 1956 mais ce n’est qu’après 1978 que le mouvement
a obtenu un Secrétariat permanent à Nairobi, au Kenya. Depuis, le mouvement a réussi
déploie ses ailes et est désormais présent dans 35 pays et reconnu par l’épiscopal Conférences de 25 pays dans lesquelles nous avons des membres actifs affiliés. Le mouvement est divisé en 04 sous-régions à savoir l’Afrique de l’Ouest, l’Afrique du Sud, l’Afrique de l’Est et le Centre qui répond aux besoins des mouvements de l’océan Indien. Le MIEC est également actif avec les organismes
intergouvernementaux et internationaux, tels que l’Organisation internationale du travail et la Banque mondiale pour exprimer les préoccupations des jeunes.
Mouvement pour les étudiants du supérieur (dans les universités, les écoles polytechniques et les collèges) dont la mission est pour s’assurer que la croissance et le développement académiques des étudiants sont en ligne avec leur développement, à la lumière de la situation réelle qu’ils rencontrent, et dans le processus de développement des leaders selon les principes chrétiens.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Père Fratern MASAWE sj. Aumonier Panafrican
FASIKA LACHORE LABA. Coordonnatreur panafricain Anglophone
MIEC Congo Brazzaville
Year of Foundation 1995
Year of IMCS membership 2019
Brief History
Le Miec Congo Brazzaville a vu le jour au Congo en 1995 et vu s’étreindre sa flamme suite aux conflits politique et a raviver sa flamme en compte actuellement 11 menbres,son siège est situé dans l’enceinte de la paroisse universitaire, ex CCUB(centre catholique universitaire de Brazzaville)
Names and Positions of Current team members
5 membres de l’équipe à savoir:
Coordinatrice nationale : NDALA Nathalie
Secrétaire général : MISSIE Hervan Glavany
Chargé à la disciple : BOKAKA Gracieux
Chargé à la communication : LENDZINGOU Gaël
Administrateur des biens : Danielle
Official Address: Paroisse universitaire, Brazzaville Congo
Official Email:
Brief History
Le mouvement au TOGO existe essentiellement dans les universités publiques mais aussi dans un établissement privé de Lomé, chaque mouvement universitaire dispose d’une équipe dirigeante, le Bureau national chapeauté et cordonne les activités des mouvements universitaires en tenant compte de la vision aux niveaux panafricains et mondiaux du MIEC.Les équipes dirigeantes sont renouvelées chaque 2 ans.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Names and Positions of Current team members
Rev. MSGR. DR. JOHN OPOKU AGYEMANG – National Chaplain
Association of Catholic Tertiary Students (ACTS)
Motto of the Movement
Faith in Action
Year of Foundation 1993 Year of IMCS membership 1993
Brief History
Initially, National Catholic Federation of Students (NCFS) was the only Catholic student body in South Africa, however, this changed when students attending black campuses broke away in the early seventies to form Catholic Students Association (CASA). Consequently, CASA then existed at historically black campuses whereas NCFS existed at historically white campuses.
After a difficult and lengthy process, one association of Catholic students; Association of Catholic Tertiary Students (ACTS) was formed in 1993.
The organisation is Catholic and is guided by the Pastoral Plan of the SACBC to evangelise. Non-Catholics may belong to the organisation but not within the leadership of the organisation. All chairpersons, provincial representatives and national executive members are to be confirmed and practicing Catholics.
As part of the local Church, ACTS is challenged to participate in the development of the local Church by appropriating the pastoral plan of being an evangelising community serving God, humanity and all creation. The organisation should be a vehicle of inculturation whereby faith and African indigenous culture are given space to develop a local Church free from its colonial past.
As a student organisation of young people, ACTS should involve itself in the youth ministry structure of the SACBC and should see itself as a section of the youth that forms part of the youth of the local Church
Names and Positions of Current team members
President: Miss Nozipho Ntshangase
Tanzania Movement Of Catholic Students (TMCS)
Motto of the Movement
Preferential Option For the poor
Year of Foundation 1984 Year of IMCS membership 1984
Brief History
Tanzania Movement of Catholic Students (TMCS) is among the Youth Community which under the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (T.E.C).
It is begun from 1984 University of Dar es salaam (UDSM) and spread out side of Tanzania where there Universities found for the purpose to being Jesus Christ close the Youth students who have the various challenges.
As the our motto stated, TMCS conducting various functions in order to make sure we run together with our target. Through TMCS there Joint masses doing from branches, Zonal levels to National level, There are various seminars, there Conferences which made Youth from various parts of Tanzania and various Universities to share ideas about Jesus Christ and our witness to him on the our fellow Youth who are not yet ready welcoming Christ in their life.
TMCS is light of hope and Faith to University’s Students.
God loves us let us show love to him
Names and Positions of Current team members
Francis Alfred – Chairperson
National Movement of Catholic Students Zambia
Motto of the Movement
“Stand Together for What you Believe”
Year of Foundation 1999 Year of IMCS membership 1999
Brief History
NMCS-Zambia initially started as an interest group at the University of Zambia (UNZA) main campus. It was not until 1999 when the Regional Coordinator for IMCS for Africa visited Zambia.
In the witness of a number of delegates from the Copperbelt University (CBU), Tanzania and Kenya; the NMCS-Zambia was finally launched. This great event took place on 27th March,1999. It was attended by all Lusaka based tertiary institutions and was graced by the late Cardinal Medardo Mazombwe who at the time was Archbishop of Lusaka Archdiocese (May His Soul continue to rest in Peace).
The early members started to work on the Constitution which was approved in 2010 by the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The movement has since been spreading and is still spreading to various parts of the country. At present, we are in six dioceses out of the nine dioceses of Zambia.
Names and Positions of Current team members
President: Gabriel Simuchinga
Coordination des Etudiants Catholiques de Dakar (CECD)
Year of Foundation Year of IMCS membership
Brief History
La CECD englobe l’ensemble des étudiants catholiques des universités publiques, privées et les grandes écoles de l’archidiocèse de Dakar. Elle tend à devenir un mouvement national regroupant tous les étudiants catholiques des universités et grandes écoles du Sénégal. Elle est constituée d’un bureau élargi avec les représentants des différentes entités catholiques d’universités et grandes écoles mais aussi les représentants des différentes entités de facultés de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop. Elle a également son bureau restreint avec un mandat de deux ans.
Names and Positions of Current team members
Bureau restreint
Actuellement, le MIEC Paix Romana est entrain de mettre à jour son site Web. Ils prévoient d’inclure les informations des organes représentatifs du MIEC (Mouvement national, coordination sous-régionale et coordination régionale).
*_Vérifiez si les noms et prénoms sont correctes svp_*
Noms et titres des membres actuels de l’équipe *
Président : Jean Noël Silaye THIAW (1)
Vice Présidente : Rachel NDIAYE
Secrétaire général : Pascal MBENGUE
Adjointe SG : Rose Awa FAYE
Trésorier général : Jean Noël THIAW (2)
Adjoint : Gérard Gaston THIAW
Président commission relation extérieure : Louis Raoul TURPIN
Adjoint : Alfred MANE
Commission Feminine :
Présidente : Léontine SENE
Adjointe : Marie Madeleine
DIONE Commission communication
Présidente : Claudia DIATTA
Adjoint : Martial MENDY Commission liturgique
Présidente : Germaine Tine Adjointe : Christiane Bertille DIEDHIOU
Commission Organisation :
Président : Casimir Malang DIEDHIOU
Adjoint : Theophile SANOU
Aumônier : Fr. Aurel Hugue da SILVA
Official Address: Paroisse Universitaire Saint Dominique de Dakar (Sénégal)
Official Email:
Telephone: 00221776822865
Twitter: cecd_senegal
Instagram: cecdsenegal
Nigeria federation of Catholic students N.F.C.S (IMCS-NIG)
Motto of the Movement
Living the faith
Year of Foundation 1956 Year of IMCS membership 1956
Brief History
Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students, NFCS, which is IMCS Nigeria, was formed in 1956 by some visionary students, under the leadership of late Prof. Ambrose Ali (who later became Governor of old Bendel State). It started from the University College, Ibadan (now University of Ibadan) and Yaba College of Technology, Lagos (Now Federal University of Technology, Lagos).
It was approved by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria, CBCN.
Nigeria federation of catholic students, NFCS, is affiliated to the International Movement of Catholic Students, IMCS, whose Headquarters is in Paris, France, and its PAN-African Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Today, NFCS is in over 250 Institutions of Higher Learning across Nigeria.
The seat of the National Secretariat was transferred from Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, to St. Joseph’s Catholic chaplaincy IMSU Owerri, Nigeria which is therefore her current Sacretariate
Names and Positions of Current team members
Chukwu Stephen Chukwuebuka: President
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