JEC Spain celebrated its 75th anniversary and the IMCS Pax Romana was invited to join them and share the joy. The International President, Ravi Tissera was present in Madrid on 19th and 20th of November 2022. He contributed to the session as a panelist together with European coordinator Anna Holtkamp and former Spanish regional and international representatives. He shared from the international perspective of the students Movement and how the Spanish students Movement can benefit by collaborating with the catholic students’ global mission.
Addressing climate change is not a race nor a competition to see who can achieve results faster nor set the record of being the first individual or group or country or institution. It is communal. Climate change is a systemic issue whose effectiveness is intimately linked to the performance of democratically sovereign institutions. To continue amplifying the voices of young people, IMCS Pax Romana together with Soka Gakkai International – SGI -UK, Catholic Youth Network for Environmental, Susttainability in Africa – CYNESA, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University – BKWSU, Lutheran World Federation – LWF, World Resource Institute – WRI, United Religions Initiative – URI organized the first Global Interfaith Youth Action on Climate Action side event at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh on November 15, 2022
Victor Ayertey, Secretary-General of Pax Romana moderated and shared some highlights the contributions of young people, especially from the global south, towards climate action from diverse faith traditions. Pax Romana is addressing the climate change crisis through the Continued Learning ann Action Program (CLAP), Laudato Si’ Commission actions, National Movements country-specific action projects. A message from a youth during the Interfaith dialogue reads “If your house is burning, you don’t plan how to put out the fire. You just put out the fire. We are in an urgent situation that requires action. We know that climate change is real. The science is there, the reality is there for us to see with our own eyes, the lived experience is there. We need action”
As part of the Catholic Actors present at #COP27 and having met with the Holy See delegation, we presented the following key calls and recommendations in our appeal to for more immediate, inclusive, and impactful climate actions at COP27 and beyond to take care of our Common Home (Laudato Si’):
Dear members of International Young Catholic Students, I bring you the greetings of International Movement of Catholic Students Pax Romana in this special occasion of your global family. As a sister organisation, I would like to congratulate the members and alumni of IYCS global family for the seventy five long years of successful mission of igniting young leaders around the world for the social transformation. In all the past decades IMCS and IYCS have been partners and collaborators for many progressive engagements in national, regional and international levels. As students’ organisations, we together have faced many challenges. And we have become 2 of the few surviving catholic social action movements to still engage with the catholic youth around the world. On behalf of IMCS global family, I would like to take this opportunity to thank past and present IYCS leaders for the meaningful collaboration between the 2 movements which has made the continuation of our missions a possible reality. In the occasion of the climax of the 75th Anniversary, I pray for the IYCS mission for many more years of formation, action and global solidarity for peaceful, just and a sustainable world. God bless IYCS!
By Ravi Tisssera, President IMCS