“Rethinking Democracy” – Pax Romana Journal 2021
Call for Proposals and Papers
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and exacerbated a growing crisis in democratic forms of organizing. Over the past year, people have taken to the streets in countries across the globe, including Brazil, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Nigeria, and the United States to call for more justice and democracy in their countries. At the sametime, the pandemic opens up new questions with the rise of vaccine nationalism, the global inequality of distribution of medical supplies, rising levels of unemployment and economic inequalities, and the failure of governments to effectively coordinate with each other in public health. The questions of democractic participation also find parallels within the church, as Catholics reflect on the meaning and value of synodality and lay participation in decision making.
In light of these challenges, the 2021 Pax Romana Journal invites you to submit journal articles on rethinking democracy in the pandemic and beyond. Possible topics include:
- human Rights and democracy;
- country specific situations;
- the Catholic church and democracy;
- youth/student participation in democracy;
- racial justice and democracy;
- faith, church reform, synodality, and lay participation;
- democracy, good governance and global governance;
- climate change and ecological justice;
- the role of social movements, NGOs, and Pax Romana groups,
The Pax Romana Journal is an interdisciplinary, international, and intergenerational journal of IMCS and ICMICA. Submissions are welcome from university students, young professionals, and intellectuals from any field of research (medicine, law, theology/spirituality, sociology, economics, political science, etc).
Proposals and final papers may be submitted in English, French or Spanish.
Submission of Proposals
- July 1, 2021: Those wanting to submit a paper are invited to submit a 250-500 word proposal by July 1st, 2021.
- The proposal should summarize the paper’s argument and identify the main sources used. The editorial committee will evaluate the abstracts in a blind review process.
- You will be informed by 15 July whether your proposal is approved.
Link for submitting proposals – https://forms.gle/HyGC66SdzhnQ55529
Final Papers
- 1 October, 2021: Final papers are due 1 October 2021. They should be 2,500 – 5,000 words.
- The editorial team will make the final evaluation of papers and return to authors any proposals for revision by 1 December.
Author Guidelines
- All submissions can be in English, French, Spanish
- No more than three authors for each paper submission.
- Along with the submissions, participants should provide their full name, date of birth, address, contact number and email as applicable
- authors are allowed to use any standards footnotes format for reference,
- Double space pages and indent each paragraph,
- Content should be Critical, Non-Romanticized, Non-Abusive
- All submissions will be judged on originality, content, theme and creative presentation
- Each entry must be original in concept, design, and execution and may not violate any copyright laws; off topic discussions shall be disqualified and strictly no plagiarism is allowed
- Pax Romana (IMCS and ICMICA) shall use the content once submitted
- Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering the competitions.